

Raising a Performance Puppy - Pan at 12 weeks foundation puppy Nov 03, 2021

A puppy's brain is malleable in these early stages of development.  Concepts that they learn early become deep-seated and long-lasting. This week, I am building on his experience of taking...

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Raising a Performance Puppy - Pan at 13 weeks foundation puppy Nov 02, 2021

Pan’s obedience lessons are getting a little more complicated as I am doing very little luring and expecting him to perform to earn reward. Practicing multiple skills in a variety of orders...

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Raising a Performance Puppy - 14-16 weeks foundation puppy Nov 01, 2021

I consider all of the exercises in the sport of obedience to be included in five skill sets. That is,
1. Heeling skills,
2. Recall skills,
3. Stationary skills,
4. Jumping skills, and

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Assuming the Worst benefits of mistakes inspirational obedience Oct 06, 2021

I was training a Golden Retriever for field trial competition, a competitive event where hunting dogs compete against one another in retrieving and other aspects of bird hunting. He had developed a...

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Teaching Directed Jumping directed jumping foundation Jul 16, 2021

When training the new obedience dog, I divide all the exercises into 5 skill sets. Your dog must learn heeling skills, stationary skills, recall skills, jumping skills, and...

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Proofing, the Benefits of Mistakes (all the exercises are related!) proofing May 11, 2021
Proofing Part III:

A dog that is reliable on the sit stay, recall, and retrieve has the foundation needed for a successful obedience career.

This is Part III in a series of videos that I’ve...

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Proofing is Not Just Adding Random Distractions preparing to show proofing May 04, 2021
Proofing Part II:

The word, proofing, is bandied about, and there are even “proofing classes” being taught. This makes me nervous, as extreme distractions can easily make a dog...

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What is Proofing? benefits of mistakes preparing to show proofing Apr 28, 2021
Proofing Part I:

One of the greatest frustrations for obedience competitors is failing.
Not earning a green ribbon is a drag.

Years ago, I had a dog that was very inconsistent. He would go from...

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Never Waste A Mistake! inspirational preparing to show Apr 05, 2021

When you are competing, no matter the level, it is easy to let the cloud of disappointment overwhelm you when our dog makes an error in the ring. A failure can feel like a waste; a waste of time,...

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New Obedience Puppy? How Much Can You Really Teach Him? basics obedience puppy Nov 23, 2020

If you are in the market for a new puppy, whether it be your next obedience, agility, scent work, tracking or field partner, a puppy’s education is far more likely to be limited by your...

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Judges' Perspective: an evening with Bob & Cathy Knight obedience preparing to show Aug 30, 2020

On August 25, I had the pleasure of conducting a webinar with judges, Bob and Cathy Knight.

Bob and Cathy have been training dogs together for nearly 50 years. Together, they have earned 7...

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UKC Glove Exercises: Directed Marked Retrieve & Directed Signal Retrieve: Part II gloves obedience teaching the exercises Mar 25, 2020

Part II: The Directed Signal Retrieve

The Directed Signal Retrieve epitomizes the importance of breaking down an exercise and teaching your dog the individual pieces before you try the...

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UKC Glove Exercises: Directed Marked Retrieve & Directed Signal Retrieve: Part I gloves obedience retrieve teaching the exercises Mar 25, 2020

The UKC Utility degree contains two glove exercises.

The first, the Directed Marked Retrieve, requires the dog go directly to one of three gloves. The handler stands in the middle of the short...

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UDX or OTCH? goals inspirational preparing to show Feb 18, 2020

A friend called the other night to tell me she'd gotten her third UD leg. "I'm going to start entering Open and Utility now, and I'd like to try for UDX legs." She told me.

"Hold on," I told...

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What Does It Mean to be a Good Sport? inspirational Feb 18, 2020

I have never known life without competition. My father was a tennis player and coached an NCAA Division I school for 32 years. My mother was an 11 time All-American in field hockey and lacrosse....

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Words are Like Spells inspirational Jan 29, 2020

Words Are Like Spells

I was fortunate growing up to have parents that were willing to expose me to all kinds of activities ranging from sports to music and drama. While in elementary school I spent...

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My List of Commands commands obedience Jan 13, 2020

Early in my career, I became involved in training service dogs for the physically handicapped. I have trained dogs to pick up dropped items, pull wheelchairs, open and close doors, operate light...

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How Dogs Learn how dogs learn principles Jan 13, 2020

Many years ago, in an attempt to better communicate with my students; I developed a flow chart of training principles that guide me. These principles apply to all venues of dog training. The...

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Donā€™t Let Anyone Steal Your Joy inspirational Jan 13, 2020

As a fifth grader, I was so excited to be selected to play Mammy Yokum in the school wide production of the musical, Li’l Abner. That is, until the popular, blond headed child, cast as Daisy...

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My Dog Runs From Me (Teaching Your Dog to Allow You to Catch Him) come obedience running away Jan 12, 2020

There is one thing worse than a dog that does not come when he is called. That is a dog that runs away.  

In Beginner and Puppy classes we teach "Come" using the following four steps:...

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