

Improve Your Recall Using Proofing proofing recall Jun 05, 2023

There are only three ways that your dog can fail the recall. He can:

  1. Not come,
  2. Come too soon
  3. Get lost on the way.

Using simple proofing (intentionally adding distractions), you can cause your dog...

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Proofing the Stand (and Moving Stand) for Exam proofing stand for exam Mar 07, 2023

The Stand for Exam is another stay exercise and should be treated with the same importance as the Sit and Down Stay.

There are two mistakes that your dog can make during the stand for exam:

  1. Move...
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Taking a Jump on the Go-Out Command directed jumping how dogs learn proofing Jan 08, 2023

Have you ever had a dog that headed for the jump when told to “Go-out?” I often get questions about this issue, as it is a fairly common problem. Why dogs do this can be explained in a...

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Are You 100% Prepared to Compete? preparing to show proofing Jul 12, 2022

It is extremely disappointing to be in the ring and have something unusual occur that derails your performance.

I teach seminars all over the country, and I hear the word “proofing” a...

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Disappointing Ring Performance? Utilize the Fix nā€™ Go! fix n' go preparing to show proofing Jun 02, 2022

There is nothing more frustrating than a mistake your dog only makes in the ring.

The AKC recently amended the Obedience Regulations to include the Fix n’ Go.
Do you have the tools to...

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Proofing, the Benefits of Mistakes (all the exercises are related!) proofing May 11, 2021
Proofing Part III:

A dog that is reliable on the sit stay, recall, and retrieve has the foundation needed for a successful obedience career.

This is Part III in a series of videos that I’ve...

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Proofing is Not Just Adding Random Distractions preparing to show proofing May 04, 2021
Proofing Part II:

The word, proofing, is bandied about, and there are even “proofing classes” being taught. This makes me nervous, as extreme distractions can easily make a dog...

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What is Proofing? benefits of mistakes preparing to show proofing Apr 28, 2021
Proofing Part I:

One of the greatest frustrations for obedience competitors is failing.
Not earning a green ribbon is a drag.

Years ago, I had a dog that was very inconsistent. He would go from...

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