

Keeping Commands & Cues Clear: Command Discrimination & Signals command discrimination signals Dec 10, 2023

Considering Command Discrimination, Signals and Directed Jumping, there are lots of opportunities to give our dogs signals and commands from a distance. In addition to Directed Jumping, our dogs...

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Signal Exercise: Addressing a Failure to Drop signals Dec 20, 2022

We have all seen it, many of us have experienced it. The Utility team completes the heeling pattern, the handler leaves the dog, walks to the opposite end of the ring, turns and gives the drop...

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Creeping Forward on the Drop Signal command discrimination down drop on recall signals Jan 28, 2022

When giving the down command, does your dog creep forward as he drops? This annoying problem can occur on the Signal Exercise in Utility or the Command Discrimination Exercise in Open. This...

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