Free training for competitive obedience enthusiasts.

Teaching your dog tricks can be fun and entertaining, but more importantly, useful for building competitive obedience skills.
Connie Cleveland has been coaching competitive dog obedience enthusiasts for almost 40 years. She has trained and competed with traditional and non-traditional breeds, including 12 Obedience Trial Champions. She has helped thousands of newcomers and experienced competitors pursue their obedience goals.
My goal is to have fun training and competing and I want to help you do the same!

Teach 8 simple tricks to ...
➡ Improve heel position
➡ Tighten the turn and sit at go-out
➡ Perfect the direct send to Scent Articles
➡ Prevent short go-outs
➡ Improve the choreography of your performance
... and more!
If you've struggled with ...
Sloppy heeling, creeping on the drop signal, or poor go-outs, this is for you!
You and your dog will have fun practicing and perfecting his skills ... and yours!
What others are saying ...
"I have the tool I need to keep my dog from stopping short on the go-out! Wow!"
"Instead of fighting to keep my dog from cutting the corner on the Broad Jump, he is motivated to jump straight."
"I am no longer a slave to luring! My dog knows how to move away from reward to earn reward and his response to a Reward Marker is amazing!"